Eco Sleep Medimat
The Medimat Foam Mattress, this durable mattress design combines memory foam, and a deep base of reengineered eco-foam. The eco-friendly base material is made from 100% recycled foam with a low carbon footprint and is highly supportive and durable. The memory foam layer on top creates a comfortable and soothing place to sleep, covered with a hard wearing waterproof breathable fabric. The mattress uses the same PU as a medical mattress and is fully waterproof, as well as being vapour permeable and can be removed and machined washed. Providing peace of mind that will ensure the mattress is as hygienic as possible at all times.
With a 10 year warranty, the Medimat mattress is naturally hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant and comes with a zipped cover that is waterproof and breathable. This fabric protects against spills for long-lasting, hygienic support and is also FR crib 5. The cover is removable and machine washable at 30 degrees to improve mattress longevity and maintain the utmost in mattress hygiene without replacing the entire mattress.
The Medimat mattress is delivered vacuum compact and rolled for easy delivery and storage.
Delivery 10-21 working days.
Please note that the prices are based on 10+ mattresses delivered FOC to our standard delivery areas. Carriage will be added for lower quantities or for out of area deliveries. For volume purchases, please contact us for the best prices.
Single 90 x 190cm | Small double 120 x 190cm | Double 135x190cm
15cm depth. Custom sizes are also available.
The eco memory foam mattress complies UK Fire regulations comprising of the following tests: BS EN597-1 (Cigarette), BS 597-2 (Match), CRIB 5 BS7177, BS7177 Medium Hazard Group 5.
*carriage may be added, depending on the order quantity.
Product Info
- 10 Year warranty
- Zip-off washable cover
- Silent - no springs
- Anti Dustmite, Hypo-allergenic